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Ana Carrillo, who serves on the board of the Civil Association for Andean Aid, also works with the Mision Alianza Evangélica to deliver bags of food to those in need. Ana and the organization decided to allocate 60 bags of food to our Help & Hope Centers at La Palmita, Florida 2000, Villa Bahareque, and to the Juan Christiansen school.
Despite this gesture, our people didn’t know how to reach Villa del Rosario in Cúcuta where the bags of food were to be picked up. So Andean Aid provided the transportation through one of our students' parents who has a truck.
Staff from our Centers rode in the pick-up truck, and when we reached Cúcuta and crossed the bridge, we took a bus (provided by Andean Aid, too), and at last, got to the church where we would find the food.
Inside, Pastor Dagoberto prayed for us and read the Bible as he passed out the food. It is just for the present, but to eat even a bit is still a mighty blessing! Thank God for it. And thanks to Andean Aid for providing the transportation to pick up the food.